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테이핑 치료 기술

바크로우즈_누끼 Sportswear brand WaveWear's Knee & Calf Tape Compression Leggings L20 on a runner

저희의 특별한 접착 실리콘은 키네시올로지 테이프의 디잔인과 기능을 완벽하게 재현하며, 이를 고압 컴프레션 웨어에 접목시켜 궁극의 스포츠 의류를 창조하였습니다.


Sportswear Brand WaveWear's Elbow Sleeve E2 being used in a workout



Sportswear brand WaveWear's Elbow Sleeve 2E2
Sportswear Brand WaveWear's Men's Knee & Calf Tape Compression Leggings L20,  Men's Active Split Shorts, both being used during a workout



2019.12.13 웨이브웨어 남자 T20 안쪽 뒤(블루 실리콘테이핑).png WaveWear's Back & Shoulders Tape Compression Top T20 Men and Women
와디즈 L20 테이핑 앞 Sportswear brand WaveWear's Knee & Calf Tape Compression Leggings L20
Sportswear Brand WaveWear's Knee & Calf Tape Compression Leggings Y20, Back Tape Padded Shapewear N10 and Elbow Sleeve E2 being worn during a workout



N10-후면테이핑 - Sportswear Brand WaveWear's Back Tape Padded Shapewear N10
Sportswear Brand WaveWear's Knee & Calf Tape Compression Leggings Y20

키네시올로지 테이프

근육과 관절을 지지하여
더 빠르게 워밍업


두 가지 이점을 하나로

근육통과 피로를 풀어줍니다.
부상을 예방합니다

임상적 증거


기존 컴프레션에 비해 최대 35%까지 근육 피로를 완화하는 데 가장 효과적입니다.


관절에 3배 더 강한 압박을 제공하여 사용 시 더 많은 지지를 해줍니다.


​65세에서 75세 참가자들은 움직임에서 8배 더 큰 개선을 경험하였습니다.

How It Works: AlignX

BWAS 는 키네시올로지 테이프를 재현하기 위해 웨이브 디자인으로  몸의 형에 따라 설계 되었습니다.

bwas-특성-1 점착성 adhesive.gif - Sportswear Brand WaveWear's BWAS technology applied to fabric
자산 11_4x.png


Effectively mimics kinesiology tape and works well with sweat. 

자산 14_4x.png

의료용 등급

CE 1급 인증, 독성이 없으며 피부에 안전합니다.

자산 17_4x.png

세척 및 재사용 가능

​세탁 후에도 접착력이 복원되어 실리콘을 재사용 할 수 있습니다.

11_공통 상세 - Sportwear Brand WaveWear demonstrating the stretching capabilities of fabric when BWAS is applied to it


​매우 얇고 탄력적이며 유연하기 떄문에 피부에 부드럽고 편안하게 느껴집니다.

상세페이지 -  Sportwear Brand WaveWear demonstrating the breathability of WaveWear fabric when BWAS is applied to it in a striped wave pattern, allowing for more fabric area to be covered by the Bio Waved Adhesive Silicone


​테이핑 실리콘이 원단과 함께 늘어나기 때문에 벗겨지거나 찢어지지 않습니다.

14P_벽에 붙이는 짤 - Sportwear Brand WaveWear demonstrating the flexibility of WaveWear fabric with BWAS applied to it


Applied in a striped wave pattern allowing more fabric area.

WaveWear는 어떻게 다른가

그룹 - Sportswear Brand WaveWear's Calf Tape Compression Leggings Y10 being worn during an aerial workout with silks

과학적으로 검증됨

​기존 컴프레션에 비해 근육 피로를 더욱 완화해줍니다.


스마트 컴프레션

도움이 필요한 관절에 더 많은 지지력을 제공합니다.


AutoFit Kinetic Tape

즉각적이고 정확한 위치


Save Moeny

​세척과 재사용 가능한 테이핑


아산FC 스트라이커, No. 11

"피곤함도 덜하고 종아리가 평소보다 덜 부었어요."

충남아산 이승재 선수 Asan FC Striker, No. 11 Seung-Jae Lee wearing WaveWear's Calf Sleeves C2


  • How long can I wear Wavewear?
    When first trying Wavewear, we recommend starting with an hour and then gradually increasing the usage time.This is because the adhesive silicone taping initially feels awkward on the skin and requires some time to get used to. It is the same as how it takes time to get comfortable in newly purchased shoes. Please take in-between breaks when wearing for longer than 5 hours to give your skin some time to rest.
  • Will the adhesive silicone peel off the fabric?
    Silicone won't peel off. Silicone is stretchy, so it moves with the fabric as it stretches, making it non-reelable and non-rippable.
  • Why do I need to moisturize?
    Dry skin may cause irritation as the silicone can cause friction (chafing) and depending on individual's sensitivity, this can cause discomfort to the skin. Moisturizing prevents that and also helps with better adhesion. We recommend using lotion or WaveWear's Anti-Chaf Sport Cream.
  • How do I maintain the adhesiveness?
    In order to maintain adhesiveness, you can hand wash or machine wash as it will help remove dust and restore adhesiveness. However, if you feel like washing isn’t helping as much, we recommend to have it dry cleaned. The most effective way to wash it, is as soon as you can after using it so dust won’t be sitting on the adhesive silicone. How to know whether the adhesiveness is still intact is by feeling it lifting your skin when taking off Wavewear, rather than when touching the silicone by hand.
  • How do I wash WaveWear products?
    For Sleeve Products For BWAS Apparel
  • How can I use BWAS™ on my own product?
    Currently, the two options below are the best ones in an efficiency and economic standpoint. (1) We provide you with a piece of cloth with BWAS on it, in the pattern design of your needs, which can be attached to the final product. (2) You provide us with the fabric that you are to use and we will apply BWAS on it and send it back to you or to your manufacturing factory.
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+82 70-4044-7331

DMC Hi-Tech Industry Center C-716,

330 Seongam-ro, Mapo-gu, Seoul 03920, Republic of Korea


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